Attrition and Reactivation

Increase the value of your customers and prospects

Revive your inactive customers

Your customer database is well stocked, but more than half of it is inactive? You are faced with dormant customers who react less and less to your solicitations, or even don't buy your products at all. In spite of your efforts to retain them or to call them back, the number of inactive customers is increasing every day and you don't know why or what to do?

Our team of Markaltis experts can help you analyse your customers' behaviour and implement an effective strategy to retain them, build loyalty, and if necessary, reactivatethem.

Our 3-step solution to customer winback

Identify and analyse

Scoring is a valuable technique for predicting customer behaviour. It is a scoring system that identifies customers who are most likely to reactivate. Once this group of inactive customers has been identified, the objective is to determine their disincentives to re-purchase and to act on them.

Markaltis' experts focus on your active and inactive customer bases to understand this lack of enthusiasm from your customers. During the analysis of the databases, we also take into account those who have been reactivated in recent months.


Putting in place an action plan

Following this analysis, coupled with possible surveys, our agency will propose a marketing action plan to reactivate and relaunch the groups of customers who present an interesting potential, in terms of investment and expected King.

The operational actions that follow from the marketing plan can be the development of targeted and personalised offers, promotions, production of quality content that responds to your customers' issues, online games, etc. 

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Follow-up and adjustments

To adjust your strategy and refine the segmentation of your database, Markaltis analyses the results of the follow-up and reactivation actions. We advise you on which customer segments to reactivate or abandon based on the performance of the actions, and adjust them to further reduce customer loss. 


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Predicting and managing customer loss

In order to calculate the loss of customers, the attrition rate is an important concept. This ratio aims to determine the proportion of customers who abandon an offer, for whatever reason, in relation to the total number of customers over a given period (e.g. one year).

When it is low, this indicator may reflect the satisfaction of your customers. If your attrition rate is high, you should take action to reduce it. This is based on several steps, such as understanding the cause of customer loss or working on your products or services.

Based on the analysis of customer data, Markaltis can calculate a forecast attrition rate for each of your customers: valuable data to react and prevent customer loss.

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Why opt for customer reminders with Markaltis?

According to the 2019 Personalized Marketing Barometer, reactivating an inactive customer costs 5 times less than acquiring a new one. It is essential for a company to put in place a marketing strategy to win back dormant customers if it wants to remain competitive.

Take advantage of our expertise now to reactivate your inactive customers in order to :

Improve your sales

A customer relaunch strategy leads to increased sales from an existing customer base. By identifying the right inactive customers and communicating effectively, you generate new sales.

Improve your customer relationship

Trying to understand the source of a customer's disinterest and offering a personalised experience demonstrates that the company or brand is taking their expectations into account - a crucial factor in customer relations.

Reduce your acquisition costs

Reactivating an inactive customer costs less than investing in acquiring new customers. They have already consumed your products.

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Case Study

Examples of projects & achievements

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  • 11-11bis rue Christophe Colomb
    75008 PARIS

  • Hours of operation :
    Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm



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